Don’t be a loner this summer – remember your photo ID card

Whoever says that winter is the loneliest time of year has obviously never felt their heart freeze over like a polar bear’s windscreen as they hang out with their single self, seeing couples high on summer love in every park, on every beach and on every dancefloor.

To make matters worse, from Summer Love by Justin Timberlake and Summertime by Beyoncé, to that old classic Summer Nights by John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John, just about every song we hear serves to remind us that ‘summer’ and ‘love’ go together like ice cream and chocolate sprinkles.

We know it’s only March but the days will be hotting-up sooner than you can say “factor 50” so check out our advice on finding your summer romance. Feel your heart thaw and your spirits soar.

Say “¡Hola! stranger” with a BBQ

Once the clocks change at the end of this month, the time is officially right to get the BBQ back out of the garage (even if you might need to huddle around it for warmth after sunset). There is no faster way to get a gang of mates round your house than to send out those three magic words, “BBQ round mine?”. Why not add “…bring a friend” to that message?  Sometimes good things happen when you’re daring (undercooked sausages being the exception).

Before you head to the supermarket, make sure you’ve got a photo ID card with you if your shopping list includes alcohol as well as burgers and baps, to make sure that you can prove your age.

My ID Card is easy to apply for and it only costs £15. This official, PASS-accredited photo ID card is accepted by most supermarkets and shops across the UK, as well as cinemas, bars and restaurants. Plus, it’s fully endorsed by the Home Office and The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) – so everyone is safe in the knowledge that it’s the real deal.

Meet me on the roof terrace

If you’ve walked down the high street or the main strip of your town in the evening over the past few months, you could be forgiven for thinking all human life has deserted the planet. But just as the leaves appear on the trees, the patios, beer gardens and terraces of your favourite watering holes will spring alive with the sound of flirtatious laughter once again.

More people out on the town means – yep – you guessed it, more fish in the sea. You don’t need to be a mathematician to work out that the more often you go out, the more likely it is that you’ll meet a new fish to fall head over gills in love with. So, what are you waiting for? Get practising your lines to reel them in, hook line and sinker (ok, that’s enough of the fishing analogy for now).

For some of us, the thought of going over and speaking to a stranger is enough to get our flippers in a twist (sorry). Just relax, a simple smile should give them some encouragement to come over and say hi to you. You need to get into the pub, bar or club before this can happen, so prove your age with My ID Card which is accepted by venues and retailers.

Summer mixtape

Nuts for punk rock? Heavily into hip hop? Reggae rules? Pop crazy? Your tribe gets your vibe so check out what gigs are happening in the upcoming weeks. When you’re surrounded by fans of the music you enjoy, your chances of meeting a like-minded love match are seriously amplified. And there’s no worries about what to talk about because your mutual adoration of the band or artist you’ve both showed up to see serves as the perfect icebreaker, doesn’t it?

The added benefit of a romantic match made in musical heaven (other than being able to create adorable playlists for each other) is that you can keep each other warm on the festival circuit this summer. Yeah, it’s a blast going with your mates but they’re probably not going to share your sleeping bag on a less-than-balmy British summer night.

Along with loo roll, baby wipes and snacks, no festival kitbag is complete without your My ID photo ID card. Security staff on the festival gates might need to ask you to prove your age – just imagine the disappointment if you’ve forgotten your ID and you have to go home…

Photo ID card with benefits

From festivals and gigs, to clubs, bars and parties – the summer is a brilliant time to find love. Need to work on this year’s look to make sure you catch someone’s eye? Your My ID photo ID card also comes with My ID Rewards membership, which means you can get discounts on loads of hot brands such as Top Shop, River Island, New Look, Gap, Toni & Guy and loads more.

Don’t get left in the shade. Apply for My ID Card today.

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