I’m a student, get me away from my dissertation…

It’s been looming for a while and the deadline is getting closer. Sadly the promise of summer is a still a little way off, and if you’re at university it might be time to face the music and get your dissertation written now. With deadlines on the horizon, sometimes it’s nice to take five minutes out to think about how you can enjoy your time once your dissertation is finished. Here are some ideas if you have a few moments to dream in between writing paragraphs…

  • A trip to the beach. You can feel the sand beneath your toes as you picture sunny days and swimming in the sea. Even if it’s not on warmer climes, you could still look forward to a break in a fun town like Brighton, Blackpool or Newquay. You won’t want to miss out on the beachfront partying though, so you’ll need to make sure you have a proof of age card if you’re planning on any seaside drinks or clubbing
  • The pub. A long lazy afternoon… and evening with friends would be a welcome break to all that studying. The last thing you’ll need is being refused a drink at the bar, so have your proof of age card at the ready so you can relax
  • How about seeing a film at the cinema? After spending night after night looking at your Mac or PC, wouldn’t it be great to have some welcome relief watching a film that isn’t related to your dissertation subject for a change? If you’re blessed with young-looking genes, having a proof of age card will ensure that you don’t get turned away at the ticket desk for being too young for an 18 certificate film
  • For a real celebration, a European trip away could be right up your street. There are bargains to be found on cheap flights to Barcelona, Paris and load of other cool destinations in Europe. Get a few friends together, book a cheap B&B, and have a couple of nights away… you’ve worked hard for it after all

To get a proof of age card isn’t too pricey – for only £15 you can prove your age to buy alcohol, e-cigarettes and go clubbing. Apply for your My ID Card proof of age card today so you can go out and enjoy yourself without the worry of getting turned away.

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