Uni packing list – don’t forget your photo ID

Well done! You got your grades and you’ve got yourself into university – fun times ahead. Once you’ve finished celebrating (although that doesn’t really have to end, does it?), the reality of packing up and leaving home might be beginning to kick in. Where will you live, who will your housemates be, what happens in freshers week, will you need photo ID to get into student nights and what practical things do you need to pack? It might be a little scary and exciting all at the same time, but if you can plan in advance then it’ll make your transition into university life that bit smoother.  We’ve made you a handy uni packing list so that you won’t be scratching around for shower gel or trading cutlery for saucepans when you get there.

Kitchen stuff

One word – Ikea. From glasses to plates, pots, pans, knives, forks, scissors (you can never find scissors when you need them), bottle openers and tea towels – you can pick it up cheaply from your local Ikea. A cook book could be an idea if you are new to cooking your own dinners, you never know you might be entering Masterchef next year.

Personal documents e.g. passport, My ID Card

You might need your passport to register for things like bank accounts and Doctors surgeries, but for nights out and photo ID you’ll probably want to get My ID Card, an official proof of age card, accredited by PASS and fully endorsed by the Home Office and The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). Essential for all those nights out, or maybe even just a date at the cinema with that new ‘friend’ who keeps distracting you in lectures…


Study stuff

Go easy on the stationery to begin with, I know it’s a great shopping trip for pretty new note books, fancy pens and interestingly shaped post it notes, but you don’t know exactly how much stationery you’ll need until you get there. And guess what, they have stationery shops in every town and city! So you can always pick it up when you get there. DO bring a diary though, unless you use your phone calendar, this is useful to make note of uni events and social meetings. And don’t forget your alarm clock. You can’t rely on your phone to wake you up when you dropped it down the pub loo the night before or it’s out of battery.

Fun stuff

Take a tablet, laptop or similar – not only will you need this for uni work but also for those lazy days when you want to recuperate and loaf in front of Netflix with your new house mates.

Playing cards are worth bringing to break the ice with new people or cheap evenings in – who doesn’t love a card game once they get into it!

Shot glasses could be useful for some fun drinking games (when you are drinking responsibly of course).

If you haven’t heard already, student unions love a fancy dress night. So bring along your favourite costume if you’ve got one and you want to be prepared.

We wish all the best with your new university adventure!

If you are yet to get a photo ID card for when you need to prove your age, you can apply for a My ID Card here